HOWTO: View Azure Enclave Project Workspace Monthly Cost in Azure Portal

This document describes: (1) How to access your Azure Enclave project workspace monthly cost within the Azure Portal (2) Connecting to the Azure Enclave (3) Create a Remote Desktop Connection shortcut and (4) Accessing Shared Workspace (F Drive).


  • Access to your Project Workspace in the Azure Enclave has been provisioned. 
  • You received an automated ServiceNow access granted Welcome email containing a unique URL to your Azure Enclave Project Workspace Monthly Cost in Azure Portal.

Accessing your monthly project workspace cost 

Access and analyze your Azure Enclave monthly Project Workspace cost via the Azure Portal. This tool should be used to manage your project teams use of your Project Workspace to ensure your usage aligns with your allocated set budget. All usage of your Project Workspace incurs a cost and should always be closely monitored. Please note there is a 1 to 2 day delay in the cost displayed. This is a Microsoft constraint.

To access, within your ServiceNow access granted Welcome email, is a unique URL to the Azure Portal for your Project Workspace. We recommend you bookmark this URL in your web browser and use either Chrome, Edge, or Firefox to access. Click on the URL within the automated ServiceNow welcome email.

To view your total cost, you must always filter on Pricing Model and switch to Amortized Cost.

  1. Click Add filter and select Pricing Model from the dropdown.
  2. Select both OnDemand and SavingsPlan and click the Green Checkmark.

  3. Click on Actual Cost metric and select Amortized Cost.

Your Cost Analysis graph should look like the below.

The graph displays your current Amortized cost for your Azure Enclave project workspace. The dotted line represents your forecasted budget for the month and the budget value is your monthly allotted Budget cost. Your monthly Budget was set as part of your Enclave Project Workspace onboarding setup process. You may filter the graph data for specific dates and/or months by clicking the Calendar dropdown:

To learn more about exploring and analyzing costs using this tool, please review the Microsoft Quickstart.


If further assistance is needed or you have concerns about escalating cost, please email the Azure Enclave Team at @email. Please always include your unique Project Workspace IP Address on all communications.

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