High-performance analysis servers, compute clusters and storage are available for data processing and analysis by research and innovation groups across the organization. Visit Computational Resources under IT Services to learn more about these services.
Free and commercial data analysis applications may be used on ERIS Computational Resources at no cost to users. Visit the sections below to see what is available. If you are looking to use a free or open-source application not already on ERIS Computational Resources, please request an install by contacting hpcsupport@partners.org. If you are interested in using a commercial application not listed below, please let us know, but understand that these requests will be placed on a list for review and dependent upon resources.
Expand this section to view what bioinformatics and image processing tools are available on the ERIS Computational Resources.
Application | Windows Analysis Servers | ERISTwo Cluster | ERISTwo Remote Desktop | Analytics Enclave | Web Application | Purchase |
Genomics Tools | ||||||
bowtie2, cuflinks, bwa, Maq, hisat2, bedtools2, htseq, samtools, bcftools, htslib, bamtools, MACS2, vcftools, gatk4, blast+, bcl2fastq2 |
plink2 |
Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV) |
Galaxy, UCSC Genome Browser |
Cell Ranger |
Molecular Modeling | ||||||
Description: Available, Coming soon
Expand this section to view the available image and signal processing tools.
Application | Windows Analysis Servers | ERISTwo Cluster | ERISTwo Remote Desktop | Analytics Enclave | Web Application | Purchase |
FreeSurfer |
CellProfiler |
MaxQuant |
ImageJ |
Description: Available, Coming soon
Expand this section to view the statistical software programs that are available and on which ERIS Computational Resource you can find it.
Application | Windows Analysis Servers | ERISTwo Cluster | ERISTwo Remote Desktop | Analytics Enclave | Web Application | Purchase |
Stata | ||||||
SAS | ||||||
JMP | ||||||
Graphpad Prism | ||||||
RStudio | ||||||
Shiny | ||||||
SPSS | ||||||
MATLAB (Image Processing Toolbox) | ||||||
MATLAB (Signal Processing Toolbox) |
Description: Available, Coming soon
Expand this section to learn more about Big Data tools and Machine Learning on the ERIS Computational Resources.
Learn more about using Jupyter, R Studio and R Shiny on ERISTwo at Mass General Brigham.
Learn more about using Jupyter, R Studio and R Shiny on ERISTwo Linux Cluster, and Analytics Enclave aresources at Mass General Brigham.
Tool | ERISTwo Cluster | Analytics Enclave |
JupyterHub |
RStudio |
RShinny | ||
Description: Available, Coming soon
Jupyter at Mass General Brigham
There are several different ways to use Jupyter at Mass General Brigham
- http://jupyterhub.partners.org/
- Mass General Brigham Jupyter provides the user-friendly interface to the users with access to the ERISTwo file system.
- ERISTwo account is required for this service.
R Studio at Mass General Brigham
There are several different ways to use R at Mass General Brigham
- Mass General Brigham Rstudio Server
- Mass General Brigham Rstudio provides the user-friendly interface to the users with access to the ERISTwo file system.
- ERISTwo account is required for this service.
- R in ERISTwo
- In ERISTwo cluster settings, the users can utilize R in a more flexible, distributed and heavy-computing way.
- ERISTwo account is required for this service.
R Shiny at Mass General Brigham
The R Shiny server is now available for selected applications to be published on ERISTwo, for Mass General Brigham users only. The R package Shiny allows easy-to-build interactive web apps, built and deployed using R. To request a Shiny production folder, please fill out this form.