Important message regarding Adobe Products

We were recently informed by Adobe that MGB no longer qualifies for educational pricing despite our affiliation with Harvard University. Adobe now requires health care organizations to be wholly owned subsidiaries of educational institutions to qualify. Insight, MGB Digital, and MGB Contracting...

Anaconda Software – Critical Update from Digital

Background: Anaconda software is used by many researchers to simplify use of Python. The company changed their licensing model in 2020 to significantly limit use of the free tier. Anaconda recently informed MGB that we appeared to have many users of this product that require the purchase of a paid...

April 25th, 2024 Research Tech Talk Announcements

1. SAS license renewals: If you purchased a SAS icense through the Digital Research Computing Core, your license will renew this month, and the fund listed in your account will automatically be debited. The FY24 cost for Server/Citrix licenses was reduced to $204 per person, per platform; SAS...

March 28th, 2024 Research Tech Talk Announcements

1. The Research Computing Core offers Stata licenses to the Research Community at a discounted rate via . Stata is a statistical software package that provides tools for analysis, data management and graphics. Interested in learning new tips or looking to learn about new...

February 29th, 2024 Research Tech Talk Announcements

1. The Research Computing Core offers Stata licenses to the Research Community at a discounted rate via . Stata is a statistical software package that provides tools for analysis, data management and graphics. Interested in learning new tips or looking to learn about new...

January 25th, 2024 Research Tech Talk Announcements

1. The Research Computing Core offers Stata licenses to the Research Community at a discounted rate via . Stata is a statistical software package that provides tools for analysis, data management and graphics. Interested in learning new tips or looking to learn about new...