ERIS offers a variety of database services to meet your application needs.  Follow the links in the chart to find a detailed explanation of each database service, including a brief description of the technology, cost, and in some cases, size limitations.  Please feel free to contact support with any questions regarding the database services we offer or complete the Request Form to request a new database.

Quick Compare

Data Service OS Cost

Windows 2012RS and 2016 Standard

Free for hosting up to 10 Database totaling 20GB in size
Microsoft SQL Windows 2012 R2 Free up to 50GB
MySQL CentOS 7 Free up to 50GB
PostgreSQL CentOS 6 Free up to 50GB
Oracle ---------------------------- Free up to 50GB
NoSQL ---------------------------- TBD



All ERIS database servers are located in the secure Partners datacenter in Needham. Additional IS Facilities Security specs available.  ERIS backs up each database nightly and verifies the integrity of each database on a weekly basis.  Copies of each database are stored on the Partners TSM Backup servers for 30 days.