How to Connect to COVID-19 Databases Using the Enclave Windows VDI

There are several ways to connect to COVID-19 databases managed by the Digital Research Operations team when using the Enclave Windows Virtual Desktop.

This document describes: (1) How to connect to the COVID-19 databases via the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and (2) How to access the COVID-19 Detailed Data Files i.e. data derived from the COVID19_Mart tables.


Connecting to the COVID-19 Databases via the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)

  1. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 18 from the desktop shortcut or through the start menu (example using MacOS). 

  1. When the application opens, you will be prompted to connect to the server. The following entries should be used:
    • For server type, select Database Engine (usually the default option)
    • For server name, enter the name of your SQL Server instance i.e. enclave-mssql01 or for COVID-19 SQL databases
    • Double-check the 3 entries and click on Connect. This will connect you to the database server using your MGB credentials.

  1. To navigate to the COVID-19 databases, expand Databases by clicking the plus icon or by double-clicking the text. This will display a list of databases -  select database you are authorized to access.
    • You have access to 2 earlier versions of the respective databases. The most current version is, for example, COVID19_Mart (without a date extension).

  1. Find the database (COVID-19, COVID-19 Vaccine Registry, COVID Vaccine Self Reported Symptoms, or project-specific database ) you wish to work with and expand the folder.
    • There are two main folders of interest under the Databases are Tables and Views. Open the Tables folder to query the data.

  1. Database Schema: The screenshots below depict the master database (COVID-19 data mart and COVID-19 Vaccine Registry) schema.

Remember to Sign Out on completion of your work.

Connecting to the COVID-19 Detailed Data Files

  1. Locate This PC shortcut icon on the desktop.

  1. Right-click on This PC
  2. From the drop-down list, select Map network drive

  1. In the resulting dialogue box, you will see a drop-down select menu from which to choose a drive letter. Choose a Drive letter that you want to use to access the COVID-19 Detailed Data Files (Y: is selected in this example).
  2. Type in the file path to the folder: \\\COVID19DataFiles

    • Use two forward slashes "\\", followed by the server name "files." and then another forward slash "\", followed by the folder name).
  3. To select the folder, click Browse...
  4. Check the box Reconnect at sign-in so that the shared file will reconnect the shared drive whenever you log on to the Enclave Virtual Desktop.
  5. Click on the Finish button to access the contents of the folder.

  1. Upon successful and complete mapping, you will see the COVID19DataFiles folder, as shown below. The mapped drive will be a location in File Explorer and all your programs. The files are in READ ONLY format.

Additional Resources

QuickStart: Connect and query a SQL Server instance using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) | Microsoft Doc

Introduction to SQL | Codefinity

If further assistance is needed, contact the Digital Service Desk to have a ticket opened with the Enclave Platform - MGB team.

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