PEAS Enrollment Required for all Apple Macintosh Products

Applies To: All Users The IT Asset Management Standards for Apple Macintosh Products (EISS- 8.1d) are effective as of August 1, 2015. The standards require all institutionally owned or issued Macintosh devices (devices purchased with corporate or hospital funds, including research grants, and...

Partners Biobank Newsletter

We are happy to bring you the newest issue of our Partners Biobank newsletter created for participants in the Biobank project. The Biobank is a collection of samples and data from patients at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital that are used for research. It’s been a busy...

Microsoft Windows 10

Microsoft released the next operating system, Windows 10 on July 29, 2015. Windows 10 is not a required upgrade. This applies to Non-standard/Research PCs currently running Windows 7 or 8. This does not apply to Partners Standard PCs. If you’re considering the upgrade, use caution and ensure your...

Launch of the Partners Biobank Portal!

The Partners Biobank Portal has been launched to facilitate sample/data queries The Partners Biobank recently launched the Biobank Portal to help investigators query its inventory of samples and data . The Partners Biobank is a repository of consented samples (DNA, serum, and plasma) and health...

Welcome to our NEW Website!

Check the Upcoming Events calendar for seminars, discussions and trainings of interest to you. Click on the calendar for listings by date and to view additional information regarding upcoming or past happenings. Any event hosted by RISC that is open to the Partners HealthCare research community will...

Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan is Coming

Apple announced availability of a public beta coming in July 2015 for the next Mac operating system, OS X 10.11 called El Capitan. As with prior releases of Mac OS’s, we highly recommended you do not upgrade to El Capitan while we evaluate potential compatibility issues that could impact your...

Microsoft Windows 10 Beta is out!

On July 29, 2015, Microsoft will release the next operating system, Windows 10. Windows 10 is not a required upgrade. This applies to Non-standard/Research PCs currently running Windows 7 or 8. This does not apply to Partners Standard PCs. If you’re considering the upgrade, use caution and ensure...

Important Information Regarding Adobe Acrobat Licensing

On April 7, 2015, Adobe released Acrobat DC (Document Cloud) Standard and Professional. Adobe is still offering both perpetual licensing as well as subscription-based licensing. Adobe Acrobat XI has been discontinued and you can now only upgrade from Acrobat X or XI to Acrobat DC. Anyone with...

Renew existing GoToMyPC licenses by April 30, 2015

Applies to: MGH, BWH, PHS Ergonomics Purchasers (does not apply to DFCI) This message was emailed to purchasers who may purchase GoToMyPC licenses for others in your department. We appreciate all of you who already completed your renewals and apologize for the continual reminders. This is the FINAL...