Share a Document | Syncplicity (iOS)

  • This document assumes that you have successfully installed Syncplicity and logged into your account.
  • If you have not already done so, please complete the steps to download and install Syncplicity on your iOS Device.
  • Per MGB policy, shared links will expire after 15 days.
  1. Launch the Syncplicity app by tapping on it

  1. Find the file you want to share and tap on the three boxes on the right

  1. Tap on Share Link

  1. Per Partners' security policy shared file links must be password protected. You can specify your own password or use the on that is auto-generated by Syncplicity. You can optionally check Require Recipients to Login if you want the other party to have to create a Syncplicity account. Tap Next on the top right to share a link

  1. At this point, you will have the option to Email a link to the file or to Copy the link to the clipboard

  1. Email: Type in the Email address and a short message (optional) and tap Next

  1. You will then need to email, text or otherwise communicate the password to your recipient.

Per Partners policy, shared links will expire after 15 days.

Go to KB0027980 in the IS Service Desk