Partners R User Group

Have you ever had an interest in learning or growing skills in R? Founded in 2017 by Henry Paik, the Partners R Users Group was established to support colleagues within our healthcare system interested in building skills in this space. This group provides access to infrastructure (Rstudio server and...

Office Hours at MGH CNY

Monday, January 6 from 1-3p.m., MGH CNY Confernce Room A Subject matter experts will be on site and happy to help you navigate the ERIS tools and services available to help your research and innovation, discuss problems and answer your questions. This month, stop by for consultation on the following...

Online Training- Overview of the RPDR

Available On line training! Title: 'Overview of the RPDR' Learn the basic functionalities for creating a research query and requesting patient data. When: Janyary 15th 2020 at 10 am Contact Stacey Duey: @email for registration information.

December 10th, 2019 Research Technical Lunch Announcements

ERISOne Linux Cluster Training 1/14 from 1-4pm at Assembly Row Introduction to Python 1/28 from 1-4pm at Assembly Row CloudVault/Clearsky announcement Office Hours: Monday 1/6, 1-3pm at MGH CNY in Conference Room A Monday, 1/29, 1-3pm at McLean – during Research Day in deMarneffe Cafeteria Monday, 2...

Research Tech Lunch

Join us on Tuesday, December 10, 2019 from 12:00 - 2:00p.m. Are you looking for an opportunity to interact with Partners Corporate IT to ask questions and express concerns? This monthly meeting is geared for research IT administrators and managers who support research departments and labs, but is...

CloudVault Storage Solution Update

ERIS has been promoting a new storage solution, CloudVault, to meet the many requirements that sponsors and industry require to keep your research data secure and complaint with data privacy needs. Although close to offering a scalable solution, an unforeseen situation has forced us to go in a...

October 31st, 2019 Research Technical Lunch Announcements

LabArchives for Clinical Researchers - REGISTER When: Tuesday, November 5, 2:00 - 3:30pm Hosted Live from Bornstein Amphitheatre, BWH Streaming to MGH O'Keefe Auditorium - Blake Building, Room 106 Stream this meeting from your location An Update Regarding Apple's macOS Catalina Do not upgrade yet! R...

Digital Health Review Reminders

If your IRB protocol contains mobile health technology (e.g. wearables or mobile apps), follow this checklist to move your protocol through the Digital Health Review process more efficiently: Complete the Digital Health form within Insight. Incomplete forms cause delays. Select YES to the Digital...

ERIS Open House at BWH

The BWH Research Education Program together with Enterprise Research IS (ERIS) invite you to learn about the breadth of technology services and support available to all researchers at the Brigham. Tuesday, October 22 from 1-5p.m. REGISTER Marshall A. Wolf Conference Room, HBTM 3rd Floor Space 3002...