Educational Discounts on Software Purchases through Insight

Educational discounts may be available for software purchased through Insight, Mass General Brigham's software vendor.

Before placing an order in Insight, check out the Apps A-Z page, Some software titles (not listed above) are available at discount when purchased through Enterprise Research Infrastructure & Services (ERIS) Research Computing Core.

Order products through Mass General Brigham's software vendor, Insight:

  • Contact @email(888) 213-8430, to request the software title quote. ​

    • Researchers must specifically request Educational pricing and verify proof of eligibility. Eligibility is expedited if a school email address, for example, one that includes, is used. 
  • Once you get the quote .pdf, place the order in eBuy (this is an internal website and requires network access) and attach the quote .pdf.

    • Insight Vendor ID is 0000365687

When ordering software from Insight, researchers must specifically request the Educational rate and verify proof of eligibility. Eligibility is verified by using a school email address, for example, one that includes

Additional recommendations

  • cc: your .edu email address in the email request to Insight @email
  • include the .edu email address in the note section of the order in eBuy

Note: Endnote offers educational pricing to students but not to faculty. When requesting a quote for Endnote, please identify your academic status (for example, Research Fellow or Graduate Student).

See How to Request a email address.

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Go to KB0027993 in the IS Service Desk

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