Scientific Computing Linux Clusters Account Request

Apply for an account on the SciC Linux Clusters (ERISTwo and ERISXdl) by completing the form below.  If you have applied before, see the link above to view or change your account information.  A Mass General Brigham user ID and password is required to login to this page and access the form.

If you would like access to the Windows Analytical environment please fill out the Windows Analysis Server Account request.

Please observe the minimum three critical 'behaviors' once you are granted an account.  Adhering to these basic principles will help ensure optimum cluster performance for ALL users. They are:

  1. Run your jobs through the job scheduler (SLURM) and reserve the appropriate resources ( primarily memory ) via submission parameters.
  2. Do NOT run computational jobs on the login nodes.
  3. Ensure your data is backed up.   

Use of the SciC Linux Platforms requires some familiarity with the Linux operating system                 

  If you don't see the form, please log in.