April 23, 2019 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Assembly Row Training Room 2W31, 399 Revolution Drive, Somerville, MA 02145
Course Description
The Scientific Computing team is offering an Introduction to the ERISOne Linux Cluster course to familiarize researchers with our working environment. The class will emphasize common strategies and best practices in utilizing Computational Resources and high-capacity storage systems provided by ERIS. This class will also include a hands-on session to provide the audience with an opportunity to log onto the system, check out its software stack and use the scheduler for job submission, etc.
- Cluster configuration: nodes and remote desktops
- Interactive Command-Line Sessions on Compute Nodes
- Queues for job scheduling and resource reservation
- Submitting jobs to the Cluster
- Transferring data
- Software request and installation
- Basic knowledge of Linux
- Bring a laptop, either Windows or Mac
- Request an ERISOne account in advance. Please fill the form ERISOne Account Request Form
- If you have a Windows laptop, please also install putty.
If you are completely new to Linux, we encourage you to check out free Linux Foundation Online Courses.
Series Information