January 25th, 2024 Research Tech Talk Announcements

1. The Research Computing Core offers Stata licenses to the Research Community at a discounted rate via rcservices.partners.org. Stata is a statistical software package that provides tools for analysis, data management and graphics. Interested in learning new tips or looking to learn about new functionality with Stata 18? Check out the Stata Webinairs, which are offered free of charge via the vendor's website.

2. *New: MathWorks MedTech Forum Online training is available offered by MathWorks.

3. The next Research Tech Talk is Thursday, February 29th, 2024. Note that moving forward Tech Talks will feature one presenter and will be one hour in length.


  • Ivan Childress, Director, MGB Digital Information Security and Team will update us on Identity Management at MGB (Okta, etc.)