ERIS Open House at BWH

The BWH Research Education Program together with Enterprise Research IS (ERIS) invite you to learn about the breadth of technology services and support available to all researchers at the Brigham.

Tuesday, October 22 from 1-5p.m.
Marshall A. Wolf Conference Room, HBTM 3rd Floor Space 3002, BWH

Subject matter experts will be on-site and happy to help you navigate the tools and services available to help your research and innovation, discuss problems, and answer questions. Micro-presentations highlighting ERIS services are scheduled throughout the day and info booths will be staffed for 1:1 opportunities. Plan to stop in for a few topics or stay for the full duration.

What will I hear about? 
Learn about the Research Computing Core, REDCap, RPDR, ERISOne, Partners R Resources, Research Data Storage & More

Who can I network with?
Stop by for a consultation regarding MobilerIron, Data Analysis Tools, Dropbox, Digital Health Review and the IRB, Software, Windows 10, Research Data Protections & More

Contact @email with any questions or concerns.