RSA SecurID Setup (iOS) — Activate or Renew a Software Token


  • Device is running on iOS version 13+  
  • Device must be enrolled in Ivanti Go| KB0031710

Before proceeding, you must have received the approved Software Token request email that includes the activation code link.

  • This is not the same as the confirmation email you receive when you first submit the request for a new software token.
  • The approved activation code email is the second email you will receive from the RSA Administration team and it will look similar to the image below.


Need to request a new EPCS RSA Software Token? KB0035208 

Install RSA SecurID and Activate Your Software Token

  1. Open the App Catalog

  1. Search for "SecurID" and select it from your results.  
  2. Tap Install
  3. Accept License Agreement
  4. Tap Deny for "Anonymous Usage Data" (if message appears) 
  5. Tap Get started…

  1. Tap Deny for "Token would like to access Camera" (if message appears)
  2. Tap OK for "Error Occurred – Enable camera permission to scan QR code" (if message appears)
  3. Tap URL from your IT Help Desk.

  1. Tap RSA Token Activation sent in an email on iPhone (Activation imports automatically.)
  2. Tap OK for "Success – Your token has been added."

Token now set for e-Prescribing…

Renew a Software Token

  1. Tap on the three dots (located at the top right)

  1. Tap Delete

  1. Tap Get started

  1. Tap Deny for "Token would like to access Camera" (if message appears)
  2. Tap OK for "Error Occurred – Enable camera permission to scan QR code" (if message appears)

  1. Tap URL from your IT Help Desk.

  1. Tap RSA Token Activation sent in email on iPhone (Activation imports automatically.)
  2. Tap OK for "Success – Your token has been added."

Token is now set for e-Prescribing…

Go to KB0036658 in the IS Service Desk

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