[Partners R User Group] Summer Meeting - MGH

July 19, 2018 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
MGH Simches 3.110



R is a free and open programming language for statistical computing, data analysis, and graphical visualization. Along with this powerful software, comes a dynamic and vast community. The Partners R User Group seeks to bring this community together to share ideas, discuss R related topics, and provide direction for new and experienced users.

This time, we are trying a new format with lightning talks.

We are pleased to have 6 "Lightning" speakers.

  • Kamil Slowikowski (BWH , HMS)

    • Kamil is the author of ggrepel package. I am sure that many of you already have used this package. I am a big fan!

  • Keith Marill (Emergency Medicine, MGH)

    • Keith used bootstrapping with R for his clinical research, published original methodologic research on a bootstrapping solution to estimate confidence intervals for a ratio of binomials. This results in bootLR package.

    • He will explain what bootstrapping is and demonstrate code to perform it.

  • Victor Castro (RPDR, Partners)

    • GitLab is a wonderful tool for versioning your code. It should be used regardless your programming level. If you are an experienced programmer, you should use it. If you are new to programming, you should use it, too.

    • Victor will show how he uses Partners GitLab with Rstudio.

  • Kazuki Yoshida (HSPH, BWH Medicine)

    • Kazuki is the author of "Table 1" package.

    • TableOne was inspired by descriptive statistics functions in Deducer , a Java-based GUI package by Ian Fellows. This package does not require GUI or Java, and intended for command-line users.

  • ​Aedin Culhane (DFCI)

    • ​BioConductor provides all the tools to analyze the data - from microarray to next generation sequencing experiments.

    • Aedin is the active advocate for BioConductor and will introduce BioConductor

  • ​Tanya Cashorali (TCB Analytics) & Eduartina Perez (NWH)

    • NWH​ Finance Operations team had historically generated and reported on data manually and was looking to streamline reporting processes in Finance Operations, Health Care Quality, and NWPHO.

    • Recently they launched an initiative with TCB Analytics to implement a robust reporting system using Tableau.

    •  This session will cover lessons learned in moving to Tableau, including data quality, enterprise data warehouse compliance, server provisioning, dashboard limitations and internal buy-in.

Also, the topics for this meeting include

  • Plans to build and grow Partners R Community

  • R Training Plans and Announcement

  • Open Discussion about Partners R Settings


Please, register here.


  • This is an informal event for employees who work within the Partners network.