November 2, 2015 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
MGH Simches 3110 Auditorium

The Research Council, sponsored by ECOR, meets once a month as a town meeting of the MGH investigator community and is open to the entire research community.  The Research Council chair and co-chair are the two full-professor elected representatives to ECOR and the ECOR elected representatives serve as the Executive Committee. The goal of these meetings is to provide communication between ECOR and the investigator community and to bring important issues and resources to the attention of the research community.

All meetings take place from 12-1 pm in Simches 3110 Auditorium and are broadcast to Isselbacher Auditorium at CNY-149, 7th Floor.  Lunch is available at Noon.

Visit the ECOR website for more dates, agenda and slides.
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