MGH: OnCore CTMS Town Hall Meeting

April 3, 2018 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
O'Keefe Auditorium, MGH

The Partners Clinical Trials Office is implementing and managing two clinical trial support systems: 1) Partners OnCore for clinical trial management, and 2) Forte Payments for subject stipends. Join the CTO for an update on these exciting systems and learn how they will impact your research portfolios.

1) Partners OnCore By the end of 2018, all Partners research divisions will be using the Partners OnCore clinical trial management system to track protocols, register subjects, track visits, generate invoices and reconcile payments for all new, industry-sponsored clinical trials. Partners OnCore is already available for over half of new, Partners-based studies, and its impact has been profound: Partners OnCore has successfully identified tens of thousands of dollars in trial revenue that was not being realized through existing systems.

New Partners divisions are being rolled onto Partners OnCore each quarter. All remaining divisions will be brought on board as part of March, June, September and December 2018 implementations. Find out more about the impact Partners OnCore will have on your industry-sponsored trial portfolio, as the Clinical Trial Office provides an update on the system, its use, and future opportunities.

2) Forte Payments for Subject Stipends A consistent refrain from the research community is that current methods for paying research subject stipends are laborious and slow. In FY17, Partners Accounts Payable processed over 42,000 individual check requests, each requiring a PI or proxy sign-off, for subject stipends.

In Spring 2018, Partners will be launching the Forte Payments system for paying subject stipends via reloadable credit card. This cloud-based system may be used as an alternative to the current eCheck system for eligible studies. All Partners OnCore-eligible protocols will also be eligible for Forte Payments by year end

This system provides a quick and easy tool for making payments to subjects. In addition to streamlining the process for study teams, subjects receive payments within five minutes!

Learn more about how Forte Payments works and how your industry-sponsored trial portfolio may benefit!