Introduction to the Partners Biobank Portal

January 26, 2016 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
BWH One Brigham Circle, Room 4-014, Boston, MA

Stacey Duey, Project Specialist, Research Patient Database Registry, Research Computing, PHS


The Partners HealthCare Biobank is a large research data and sample repository, providing researchers access to over 30,000 high-quality, consented samples to help foster research, advance our understanding of the causes of common diseases, and advance the practice of medicine. The Partners Biobank Portal is a web-based tool that allows researchers to access Biobank sample requests for plasma, serum and DNA. 

This course is geared toward investigators and staff at all levels who are interested in using the Biobank Portal for their research. All attendees must register to use the Biobank Portal prior to the course.

Learning Objectives: 
1) List the types of data stored in the Biobank Portal. 
2) Successfully navigate through the main functions of the tool. 
3) Create a query and make a request for clinical samples. 
4) Describe concepts of Healthy Controls, Curated Disease Populations, Genomic Data and Temporal Query Constraints.