Affymetrix and Illumina microarray data analysis using R/Bioconductor

December 8, 2015 10:00 am to 12:30 pm
Countway Library at Harvard Medical School Lower Level 2, Room 025 Countway Library, Lower Level 2, 025

The course is a general introduction to Microarrays and the use of R/Bioconductor to carry out microarray data analysis. Following introduction the workshop starts with hands‐on exercise on how to install R and Bioconductor GUI packages. The course is mainly based on the use of Bioconductor open source packages for analyzing single channel and two channel data sets. Only basic R coding will be introduced since most the analysis are performed using OneChannelGUI, a graphical interface to Bioconductor tools, designed for life scientists who are not familiar with R language. Students will learn how to carry out the following; Quality control, Normalization, Filtering, Statistical analysis, and Differential expression.



Bioinformatics Workshops
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