We are seeking feedback from the research community for technical, feature and laboratory workflow requirements. ERIS has identified a few Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) vendors that meet the business and security requirements for Partners HealthCare workforce members focused on scientific laboratory research. Vendors will present their solutions on the following dates:
- Session I: February 18th, 2:30pm - 4:00pm, MGH, Simches Building 3rd Floor, Room 3.110
- Session II: February 24th, 2:30pm - 4:00pm, BWH, Carrie Hall, 15 Francis Street
- Session III: March 4th, 2:00pm - 3:30pm, MGH Simches Building 3rd Floor, Room 3.110 New!
A different vendor will present on each date, so please attend all sessions, either remotely via WebEx or watch the recorded sessions later. REGISTER to be sent all of the meeting details.
Researchers should evaluate the products based on their laboratory workflow requirements. ERIS will gather end-user requirements, use cases, and identify labs interested in piloting the selected service. Follow-up round-table discussions will be planned for early March. To view a vendor comparison summary, visit rc.partners.org/eln/demos (Partners login will be required).
Please join our ELN Discussion group for direct up to date information on this process. We appreciate and value your participation in this process!