
This FAQ is for labs looking to purchase large blocks of storage for use related to the ERISOne Linux Cluster and the IDEA Data Analytics Platform. This option is subject to availability and prices may change.  More details on the different types of storage are on the Cluster Attached Storage on ERISOne FAQ page.

Prices are per GiB of "usable" space which relates directly to your calculated storage projections and what the computer reports for disk usage.  Hardware vendors always work with "raw" space in SI units (GB and TB) so those numbers are included for comparison.  Usable space is roughly 20% less than raw space and 1TiB is 10% more than 1TB

HPC direct attached storage

The BriefCASE storage option is high performance storage attached to the ERISOne Cluster which supports large scale parallel processing of genomic and medical imaging data sets. BriefCASE storage is issued to Lab groups as a shared resource per Lab group or per project and can scale from 200GB to 50+ TB.

BriefCASE pay-as-you-go high-performance storage


Adopt Shelf

Purchase size: 300T minimum and prices vary. 

(Please contact the HPC team for an updated quote)

Remote archive storage

MAD3 pay-as-you-go

MAD3 is a storage solution built using Dell-EMS Isilon. MAD3 replaces MAD, and introduces significant performance and reliability improvements over its predecessor. 

Cloud Bucket Storage pay-as-you-go

Cloud Bucket is ideal for web applications requiring object-storage or for archiving files which are infrequently modified.

Go to KB0027909 in the IS Service Desk

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