PROC: CMDB Coordinators Role and Responsibilities

CMDB Coordinators are team members across the enterprise that are champions of the Configuration Items (CIs) their team manages or uses on a daily basis. They are akin to the data quality analyst role from an ITIL perspective and have the knowledge, responsibility, and access to modify key attributes of CIs in the Configuration Management Database (CMDB). 

To view a list of CMDB Coordinators by group, click here.

For a detailed document containing instructions for CMDB Coordinators, click here.

An eLearning module on the CMDB can be reviewed at any time by logging into HealthStream and clicking the Catalog tab to search for "CMDB."  The following videos are also available to assist CMDB Coordinators:

For an article on using the CI Completeness Report to assist you in maintaining your CIs, click here.

To view the slides for the CMDB training class, click here. To arrange for a training session, send an email to


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