GPG Encryption Key Creation on ERISOne


GPG keys have a variety of uses including code signing and file encryption. Creating a personal GPG key on the ERISOne Linux Cluster is relatively straightforward


Creating a GPG key for the first time

  • Open an SSH terminal on ERISOne
  • Type "gpg --gen-key" at the command line
    • You will be prompted to enter your name and email and an encryption passphrase, but otherwise can accept the default values offered for the encryption options
    • Record the key passphrase in a secure password manager application
    • Note that it will take several minutes to generate the key and no progress bar is shown
  • Verify that a key has been created by listing available keys using "gpg -k"
  • Immediately copy the GPG key files to a secure backup location outside ERISOne. Any data encrypted with the key cannot be recovered if the keys are lost

See also

Backing up ERISOne Cluster Data with Duply

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