MATLAB on the Scientific Computing Linux Clusters


ERIS maintains a pool of licenses for Matlab, toolboxes and the Distributed Computing Server.  This software may be used at no cost on the Scientific Computing (SciC) Linux Clusters, and we also offer a paid subscription service allowing use of our Matlab license and select toolboxes on your own computers connected to the Mass General Brigham computer network.

Using MATLAB on the SciC Linux Clusters

Several versions of Matlab are installed on ERIS HPC infrastructure.  Contact SciC Linux Clusters Support for the latest information.

Use MATLAB on a powerful Microsoft Windows server

Matlab is installed on all the Windows Analysis Servers. Register for an account at and indicate your preference for Windows to obtain an account. 


Use MATLAB graphically in a Linux Virtual Desktop, attached to the Linux HPC cluster

  • Obtain access to the SciC Linux Clusters Remote Desktop
  • Once connected to the Linux Gnome environment, open a Terminal window (From Applications → System Tools → Terminal menu)
  • Take a look at the different Matlab modules available
 module avail > grep matlab
  • In the terminal, the Matlab graphical user interface can be launched. You may choose any of the available versions. For example, to load MATLAB/2020b:
module load MATLAB/2020b 

Use the MATLAB parallel processing toolbox on either Windows or Linux


Submit batch MATLAB jobs to the ERISTwo Linux Cluster (Not available on ERISTwo)

  • If you have a Matlab script that would like to submit to the cluster you can prepare an LSF script to send to the cluster. There are some examples on LSF scripts on your home folder: ~/lsf
  • Include your version selection loading the appropriate module on your LSF script.
  • Submit jobs to the "matlab" queue.
  • You can check how many resources have been allocated the Matlab queue on the terminal. 
 bqueues matlab
  • You can also check how many jobs are scheduled in the queue with:
bjobs -q matlab -u all

Paid subscription service for Laptops and Workstations

Go to KB0027892 in the IS Service Desk

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