LabArchives Report FY23
Since LabArchives was first launched at Mass General Brigham in 2016, the program has 19,000 notebooks and is steadily growing.
Since LabArchives first launch at Mass General Brigham in 2016, the program has 19,000 notebooks and steadily growing.
Project Stats
In FY2023
- 19,090 total notebooks
- 2,151 new notebooks created
- 35k+ sessions, on average, per month
- 216k+ activities on average, per month
Typical activities include: uploading a file, adding notes, reading an attachment, and so on. Some labs have folder monitoring set up so all files added to a given folder on the user's desktop (or an iPad in a wet lab) will be automatically uploaded and versioned in LabArchives.

User Stats
There are Total 15,748 LabArchives accounts, of which 1,758 were added in FY23. There are seasonal peaks to account creation, but the average hovers around 150 new users per month. There are 2,336 active users, on average, per month.

PI Accounts by Institution
MGH (57.7%) and BWH (31.3%) are the largest users of LabArchives.

Support Stats
LabArchives End User Support is directly managed by Labarchives. Additional support for MGB ELN Policy requirements and some basic end user support, is managed by the MGB RISC LabArchives team consisting of a 50% FTE funded by MGB.
Most of our in-house support requests are for login-related issues, questions related to policy, help managing the off-boarding of PIs who are moving to other institutions, and reassigning ownership notebooks for grad students who left MGB without having assigned ownership of their notebooks to their PI.
Support requests can vary wildly, from 1 per week to 20+ at once, if an entire lab is moving to a new institution. On average, there are 5 per month.
Feature Expansion by MGB: REDCap Data Reports Export to LabArchives
In addition, we work with LabArchives to facilitate the definition of features that will help our researchers. Most of these are implemented by LabArchives, but we are also exploring use of their API to create features. The first of these was an integration between REDCap and LabArchives that enables researchers to upload a report (a data snapshot) directly into a LabArchives notebook specified by the user. Once the researcher has connected their LabArchives and REDCap accounts, the transfer is a single button click.
We presented a poster on the new feature at REDCap Con 2022, Discover Brigham, McLean's TIPS Conference, and MGH Clinical Research Day. Researchers are able to view a step-by-step video of how to get set up and use the feature via the QR code in the poster.
This External Module was shared to the REDCap Community and since, 11 non-MGB Institutions have downloaded and deployed this module for their researchers.
Additional features (such as enabling the user to save to notebooks they don't own) have been spec'ed in FY2023, and are on the radar for implementation in FY 2024.