eLab Notebook Vendor Demos and Discussions

We are seeking feedback from the research community for technical, feature and laboratory workflow requirements. ERIS has identified a few Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) vendors that meet the business and security requirements for Partners HealthCare workforce members focused on scientific...

Perspective on Cybersecurity in Research

Fabio Martins, the new Research Information Security Officer (RISO) for Partners HealthCare, shares his perspective on cybersecurity in response to an article recently published in Science Translational Medicine. In "A cybersecurity primer for translational research", Eric D. Perakslis and Martin...

Introducing New Features for the Partners Biobank Portal

The Biobank Portal is a web-based tool that researchers can use to query data about consented Partners Biobank subjects and to make sample requests for plasma, serum and DNA. To date there are 32,000 consented subject in the Partners Biobank whose data is available in the Biobank Portal. Data in the...

Reminder to be safe over the holidays

Partners offers these simple tips to keep you and your family safe over the holidays: Traveling If your device such as a smartphone or laptop is lost or stolen, please report it to the Partners ServiceDesk as soon as possible. Keep your home safe! Be cautious when sharing travel plans on social...

Microsoft Training – Winter 2016 Schedule Now Available

The new year is almost here! Make a resolution to enhance your Microsoft Office skills. Partners IS Training offers an array of Microsoft courses, including the very popular Excel and Access sessions! These classes help you effectively improve and expand your skills. Employees can register for...

Important Information about Adobe Acrobat in the Enterprise

As of November 15, 2015, Adobe no longer offers patches or bug fixes for Adobe Acrobat X (Version 10). Anyone using this product version should upgrade to the latest version. Enterprise policy requires that you make sure your system and software is up to date and patched to reduce security risks...

FY 16 Research Computing Core Fees as of October 1

This is a summary of the fees and services compared with FY15. Please visit Fees & Purchasing Information for full catalog and cost information. FY16 Rates are effective October 1, 2015 - September 30, 2016 for existing services Service FY16 (compared to FY15) Unit Storage Services MAD, RFA, Cluster...

SAS Licensing Available for Researchers

Education Analytical Suite Version 9.4 Partners SAS Licenses SAS is available for researchers to purchase from the Research Computing Core at the cost of $300.00 per license annually. Licenses are good until summer, 2019. Purchases are prorated beginning in October of the license year, but requires...